Keston Church of England Primary School

Year 2

"I like all the books we have been reading. I've got really good at writing stories!"

- Year 2 Pupil

In Year 2, we will be busily preparing your children for the transition to KS2 and it is a pleasure to watch the children develop into fluent readers and confident, imaginative writers.

We continue to follow the National Curriculum and cover a range of interesting and exciting topics such as continents and oceans, hot and cold places, living things and their habitats and war and remembrance. We learn how hospitals and nursing have changed through the years by looking at Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. We also find out about The Great Fire of London by reading Samuel Pepys’ diary and find out how London has changed since the fire.

We will also be producing some imaginative and creative pieces of art, make our own winding toys and have weekly cooking session in the summer term.

In Year 2, we go to the farm to meet Father Christmas, take part in a Great Fire of London immersive full day workshop and go to the Horniman Museum to study habitats. We also have fun pond dipping at Keston Ponds.

We am looking forward to working together so that we can have a very exciting and productive year. We hope that your child will enjoy the new challenges and approaches to learning that Year 2 has to offer.

We look forward to working closely with you this year!

If you have any questions at all, please email us at

The Year 2 Team

Mrs Lawrence (Class Teacher)

Mrs Sayer (Teaching Assistant - Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday AM)

Ms Crist (Teaching Assistant)




Curriculum Objectives

Long Term Plan

Knowledge Organisers


My Local Area and Tromso, Norway

Y2 Fieldwork. Weather and Climate



Great Fire of London

Hospitals and Healthcare


The Gunpowder Plot

Changes in Technology




Animals including Humans

Living Things and their Habitats



The Environment